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large Intuitively handcrafted crystal wand
Adorned with a xxL A+ grade rainbow filled Smokey quartz generator
naturally fallen branch that I have foraged from my folks property in the hinterland . Adorned with White rabbit pelt, beige suede leather, feathers and hand burnings.
This wand represents our deep connection with the 5 elements - Air, Fire, Water, Earth & Spirit and she was created as an eternal reminder that within each of us lies a spark of these cosmic elemental energies. We are all connected to what was, is and will be. . This wand is a conduit to the universal vibration, weaving our magick and power together to form the fabric of our reality.
In witchcraft, wands are used as a ritual divination tool to transform your inner intentions into a powerful outward magickal & directed energy charge
You can use your wand to cast a circle, clear & cleanse, cord cutting, directing your energy, intention setting & for protection (just to name a few)
Includes wand enchantment and protection spells so you can enchant, program & charge your wand to your energy, how to use your wand and what rituals you can use your wand for etc