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Spirit Space Collective acknowledges and respects the Turrbal peoples who are the Traditional Custodians of Meanjin country and we recognise their ongoing sacred connection to land, waters and community.

Wilde Willow

‘ The Heart Oracle’ XXL Rose Quartz Crystal Wand


Wilde Willow

‘ The Heart Oracle’ XXL Rose Quartz Crystal Wand


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Adorned with a XXL A+ grade rainbow filled Rose Quartz generator. the wand is about a forearm in length.

Adorned with rabbit pelt, suede leather, feathers and many many hours of sanding and handcrafting. 

This wand represents our deep connection with the Divine within and above, she was created as an eternal reminder that within each of us lies a spark of this ancient wisdom.

We are all connected to what was, is and will be. . This wand is a conduit to the universal vibration, weaving our magick and power together to form the fabric of our reality.

In witchcraft, wands are used as a ritual divination tool to transform your inner intentions into a powerful outward magickal & directed energy charge

You can use your wand to cast a circle, clear & cleanse, cord cutting, directing your energy, intention setting & for protection (just to name a few)

Includes wand enchantment and protection spells so you can enchant, program & charge your wand to your energy, how to use your wand and what rituals you can use your wand for etc